By car
Risør is a short distance from the E18 highway between Oslo and Stavanger, approx. 2.5 hours from Oslo and 1.5 hours to Kristiansand.
We have parking in Storgata 5 (NOK 150 per day), and in Strandgata by Tollboden (NOK 150 per day). We also have a total of 7 charging stations in the town center.
Suites in Buvika have their own free parking, no charging facilities.
By bus
There are good bus connections from the major cities to Risør, both with Nor-Way bus express and Vy.
We recommend the service from Nor-Way express because they have corresponding local buses from the stop on the E18 to Risør town centre.
See to book.
By train
You can take the train from Oslo or Stavanger to Gjerstad which is half an hour away from Risør by car. We are happy to book a taxi if you come by train.
By boat
Risør guest harbour is a short walk from the hotel, and it is also possible for boats to be moored in the inner harbour.