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Can the US and China become friends? - Torbjørn Færøvik

Can the US and China become friends? - Torbjørn Færøvik

The inauguration of Donald Trump as US president has brought about significant changes in relations between the US and China. The Trump administration has taken a more confrontational approach, especially with regard to trade between the two countries, but also when it comes to the military presence in the South China Sea. Is all hope lost that the two superpowers can become friends? If so, what consequences will this have for the rest of the world? Torbjørn Færøvik is an author and historian and has written twelve books about China and other countries in Asia. Before becoming a full-time author, he was a foreign affairs officer at NTB, Arbeiderbladet and NRK Radio. He has received the literary Brage Prize three times and the Cappelen Prize once. Admission NOK 150.Arr: Folkeakademiet and Risør Library